So, remember when you were in 3rd grade and you'd just endured a timed math test during which you were pretty sure you were going to die of frustration or boredom or both and then BOOOOOOOOP the bell rang for recess?
That's the feeling I aspire to create in your inbox.
Amid all the "buy this thing" and " answer this question" and "do this work" messages, my emails are designed to buoy your spirit, nourish your soul, and remind you of your worth.
And, from time to time, I offer some writing and marketing tips, because I'm a not-exactly-recovering people-pleaser and that's what I'm "supposed to do."
Mostly, though my emails are a weekly-ish pep talk. Because I feel like that's why you need most right now. (And by "you," I mean "all of us.")
Sooooooo, here's the thing: You're a freaking rockstar.
Being a regular human is tough enough. Being a world-changing, paradigm-shifting, industry-flipping human like you? That's exhausting. But you're out here doing it anyway.
Which is why if we work together, you don't just get yummy copy. You also get a co-conspirator who reminds you on the regular that what you're doing matters.
In other words, you're not the only one who gives a damn. So let's do this together.