Hey there, friend -

I'm super nervous about sending this email. But if I was one of those people who does that "word of the year" thing, my word would be audacity, so I'm sending it anyway.

Here goes...

I grew up in a Christian home.

Like, my-mom-was-the-church-organist-and-my-Sunday-School-teacher kind of Christian home.

I worked at Boston University School of Theology and was married to a pastor. (Was.)

I also...
... ran the church nursery.
... hosted small groups.
... worked in church leadership for more than a decade.
... prayed publically from the platform. Preached, too.
... wrote a book about church communications.
... wouldn't let my daughters wear bikinis because it was uNfAiR to boys to tempt them so.

In those years, I was verrrrrrrry skeptical of anything people suggested was "un-Christian."

Dungeons and Dragons

Honestly, I spent a lot of years of my life just believing what I was told to believe. About the world. About the universe. About the nature of humanity. About myself.

But then I had... let's call it "a falling out" ... with the church. And since then I've been undoing a lot of those default beliefs. Trying to, anyway.

Please know that if you're a church-goer and/or Christian I'm not saying anything about you or what you believe. And as a people-pleaser, I'm already steadying myself for the number of unsubscribes this email will likely bring.

I'm only saying that we have the right—and responsibility—to question everything. To welcome what aligns with who we are and who we're becoming. To let go of things that don't. To trust ourselves.

Pep Talk #004: It's OK to change your mind.

Look, I don't know what you're up against. Maybe it's a relationship. A business decision. A move. A purchase. A whole faith system. I dunno... an outfit... or the color you painted your main bathroom.

If you're feeling squirrely about something—anything—get curious about that feeling and listen to yourself.

With love,

Rah Rah Sis Boom...Inbox

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