Hi, friend -

So, here's what happened...

"Write Pep Talk" fell off my to-do list somehow.

I'm not sure if ClickUp ate it, or if my Sunsama integration is to blame. Doesn't matter. The task simply *poof*. Disappeared.

Because I'm a woman of a certain age, if a thing's not written down, the thing simply doesn't exist. It's a good thing I have an autonomic nervous system, or my breathing and digestion would be in peril.

All of that to say, it's been three? four? weeks since I last wrote you a pep talk.

Now, most eMaiL eXpErTs will tell you it's unnecessary to address an absence—because no one will have missed you in their inboxes anyway.

Well... that hurts my feelings. (It's also true.)

But I'm not calling attention to my absence because I think you were un-showered, curled up in the fetal position in a dark room, listening to Sarah McLachlan while scrolling #sadtok, and wondering where I'd gone.

Instead, I'm using it to illustrate today's pep talk, which is...

Pep Talk #013: You can always begin again.
If you, like I, trend toward "all or nothing" thinking, you may also suffer from shoulder-shrugging-induced bursitis.

"Welp? I chased my spinach egg white omelette with a peanut butter cup. *shrug* I guess the rest of the day's shot. I'm ordering pizza for second breakfast." (Curse you, Target, for your Easter candy clearance aisle.)

"Ugh, I only have 15 minutes for a walk instead of my usual hour. *shrug* I guess I'll just put my jammies back on and see if the Love is Blind reunion finally got posted."

"Ah well. I didn't write to my email list today like I was supposed to. *shrug* I guess that's that. Email is dead to me."

Nope, nope, nope. Every moment is an opportunity to begin again. It's never, ever, ever too late to start over, friend. (I mean, unless your autonomic nervous system stops being so predictably... autonomic. Then we might have a problem.)

OK, but really... did you miss me?

P.S. I first learned the concept of "begin again" from Dan Harris, author of Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics and founder of the 10% Happier meditation app. It's SO good.

P.P.S. You know what else hurts my feelings? Why didn't any of you tell me to watch Succession sooner? My goodness. That show makes me feel ever so much better about my character flaws. (No spoilers, please. I'm only halfway through season 2.)

Rah Rah Sis Boom...Inbox

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