Hey, friend -
It's a week until Christmas, and three minutes ago I told my dog to f*ck off.
She was barking for no good reason, which got my other dog howling, and my nervous system just wasn't having it.
So that's my mood today.
Honestly, it was my mood yesterday, too.
But I kept trying to talk myself out of it, and y'all that never ever ever works. (More on that in a second.)
Here's the short version of why I'm in a Mood: hail storm + unresponsive contractor = roof leak = water damage = black mold. In my office.
Instead of allowing myself to be upset over the situation, I kept saying it was no big deal. Other people have much bigger problems. It could've been worse. I should be grateful I even have an office. This is what insurance is for. In the grand scheme of things, this is just not that important.
All of that may be true. But trying to talk myself out of the upset only made it last longer.
And I'm willing to bet the same is true for you. So...
Pep Talk #032: Feel it.
Emotions are energy. (This is not woo-woo. This is true.)
When we stuff them, they don't ... go away. Instead, they curl up with a blanket somewhere in our body and hang out until the dog starts barking for no good reason. For example.
In other words, what we resist persists.
So when you're having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day... just let yourself feel it. Having emotions doesn't make you weak, bad, entitled, or insensitive. It makes you human.

To help you release some of those not-so-pleasant feels, I have a present for you!
It's a short playlist of songs I gravitate to when I need a cry. It's a strange mix, but I hope you love it.
Feelings are good,
P.S. This isn't my dog, but it's close enough. Also, Barky McBarkface is curled up next to me, so all is well.