A gazillion lifetimes ago, I was headed to someplace in Wisconsin for a consulting gig.
It was one of those Yeses that should've been an Absolutely Not, and I was beside myself with anxiety. (To be clear, Wisconsin wasn't the problem. The gig was.)
This was post 9/11 and pre-TSA-pre-check, which means all airport passengers had to practically disrobe and turn their bags inside out to get through security.
In all my brilliance, I'd made the mistake of wearing lace-up shoes, a belt, jewelry, and a cardigan—all of which had to come off. And I was packing a 17" Dell laptop that weighed approximately 37 pounds.
I was a mess.
On the other side of the metal detector, barefooted and frazzled, I scooped up all my stuff and scanned the horizon for a place where I could put myself back together.
Which is when I saw this sign.

(I know it's a terrible photo. My hands were full, remember?)
I barked out a half-laugh-half-sob, dropped all my stuff on the bench beneath the sign, took a deep breath, and got my act together.
Discombobulate isn't a word we use often, is it? But it sure happens, doesn't it?
Depending on where you look, its primary definition includes words like confused, disordered, or uncomfortable.
I'm partial to "cause to lose one's composure." That's most certainly where I was that day in Milwaukee. And I've been there many times since.
If you have, too, then I recommend that you...
Pep Talk #041: Look for a Recombobulation Area.
To be clear, I'm not prescribing a field trip to the Milwaukee airport (necessarily). Instead, I'm suggesting you look around for places or people who can offer you some space to get yourself together.
Like... when your seams start to unravel, walk away from whatever's doing that to you and go outside. Text your therapist. Reach out to a friend who's good at holding your not-OK-ness. Cook something yummy. Pet your dog.
Or turn your gaze inward. I'm willing to bet you have a Recombobulation Area right in the center of your chest.
Bookstores make excellent Recombobulation Areas,
P.S. In 2008, Barry Bateman, the now-retired Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport Director, invented the word recombobulation and convinced the TSA to let him hang the signs. We love Barry.