Hi, there.

Listen, some days are better than others.

On the not-so-better days, you may be tempted to quit the thing.

The job.
The relationship.
The dream.
The creative project.
The adventure.
The group.
The idea.
The program.

Now... y'all know I'm allergic to toxic positivity (although I confess right now it's more of an auto-immune situation), so I'm not about to say there's never a reason to throw in the towel.

I mean, your girl knows how to quit stuff.

After just 13 months, I bailed on a job I spent $30K+ and two years in grad school to get.

I left an 8-year marriage a year later than I should've.

I've started and stopped more classes and programs than I'll ever admit to anyone.

In fact, I may very well be a Professional Quitter™️. Which means I'm qualified to offer this little suggestion...

Pep Talk #047: Don't bail at the bottom.

We have some nuance to navigate here, so hang with me.

If you're at the bottom, and you feel like there's no way up and out, it may well be time to peace-out. But consider this: There's a difference between feeling like you're at the bottom and knowing it.

❤️‍🩹 If you FEEL like you're at the bottom, then maybe take a deep breath, put your feet in the grass, eat a little something, and OMG drink some actual water. Maybe even sleep on it and seek wisdom from your people. Premature bailing can lead to big-time regret.

EXCEPTION: If your feels-like-bottom is unsafe in any way, skip the feet-in-the-grass bit and get gone. Now. Go!

🧠 If you KNOW you're at the bottom—like, your inner wisdom is all up in your face, wild-eyed and whisper-yellling, "What are we even doing right now?!"—then get serious about calling it. Don't waste a single minute more on something that's no longer for you.

Bailing—and not bailing—takes courage. If you need to borrow some, you can have a quart of mine. You've got this.

Someone pretty please design a "from-the-depths-of-your-soul" emoji,

P.S. I feel compelled to remind you that I'm not a mental health professional, and  you should take everything I write with a grain of salt. Or smaller. Remember: You're the authority on your own life.


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