Hey, friend -

So, here's what happened, ...

By October of 2022, I'd reached Defcon 2 on the burnout scale.

It's pretty unlike me to use military-speak, but given that I felt at war with my own business back then, it's an apt metaphor.

To be clear, I love my business. I'm head-over-heels for my clients now, and I was back then, too. But the work was killing me. Because work is all I was doing.

My default workweek was six, 12-hour days.

I met every invitation with, "I can't. I'm behind at work," and eventually people stopped asking.

I developed panic attacks.

My endocrinologist, functional medicine practitioner, general practitioner, business coach, nutritionist, and therapist all agreed that my #1 problem was stress.

I told my mastermind group—a group I'd paid $16K to join, specifically to grow my copywriting business—that I couldn't do this copywriting thing a single day longer.

I'd far exceeded what I now know is my "window of tolerance," and my nervous system was in shambles from living in perpetual fight or flight. I was, as the kids say, a hot mess. (Actually do the kids say that anymore?)

So, from an admittedly privileged position, I announced to my husband that I was scaling back: "I'm going to make a helluva lot less money in 2023, and it's going to be glorious."

That's exactly what I've done, and that's exactly what it's been. Mostly, anyway. The truth is, recovering from burnout and avoiding re-ignition requires certain skills I'm still practicing. And I want you to practice them with me.

Pep Talk #021: Become burnout-proof.
YOU are your most valuable asset. That means the most expensive mistake you can make is burning out.

But understanding the dangers of burnout and knowing what to do about burnout are two entirely different things. My brilliant friend Iona Holloway has taught me a LOT about how to overcome and prevent burnout. I highly, HIGHLY recommend you get to know her.

Let's put an end to teeth-grinding,

P.S. Becoming burnout-proof doesn't necessarily mean making less money, BTW! That's just the route I decided to take while I learn to love on my nervous system.

Rah Rah Sis Boom...Inbox

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