Hey, friend -

So, I'm writing a book.

If you've known me for more than a couple of years, you've heard me say that before. Aaaaaaand I have a confession to make.

In the past, when I've said, "I'm writing a book," what I actually meant was, "I'm talking about writing a book."

That's right, y'all: Since 2017–and until last month—I hadn't actually written a single word of my book. Not one.

Wanna know why?

It wasn't because I'm busy (although I am). It wasn't because writing a book is a sh*t-ton of work (although it is). It's not even because procrastination comes up #1 on my CliftonStrengths (although it totally would if procrastination were... you know... a strength.)

It took me six years (!!) to actually start writing my book because every time I thought about it, my internal critic (who, today anyway, looks and sounds like a chain-smoking woman of indeterminate age who goes by Fran) spat this at me: "Who the f*ck do you think you are?"

That criticism comes in different forms:

  • No one cares what you think.
  • That's already been done to death.
  • You have nothing new to add.
  • Someone else has already done that. And better.

Sound familiar? If so, please hear this...

Pep Talk #011: We need your brilliance.
It doesn't matter if what you do is already being done by someone else, because they aren't you.

Our world needs what you have to offer, because you bring with it a unique perspective and approach that doesn't exist anywhere else. And there are people out here looking for you. YOU.

Look, I know it's not easy to punch "Fran" in the teeth. But the next time she starts in on you, I want you to try. Just say this—and say it out loud: "I'll tell you who the f*ck I am."

Show us what you've got,

P.S. If you're having trouble communicating your one-of-a-kind perspective or approach, I can help with that. Let's have a chat. (<---This link takes you to my calendar, where you can set up a free 30-minute call. No pressure and no hard selling because that's gross. Just talking. Promise.)

P.P.S. I happen to know one of you owns a red muscle car named Fran. No offense. 😘

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