Hi -
So, I know you've been on pins and needles waiting to hear how my cello recital went.
Welp, it was sorta kinda almost exactly like that time Fergie sang the national anthem.

That is to say, it was decidedly, objectively terrible.
Except in one important way.
Mine got better as I went.
But lemme tell ya, friend: It was a knock-down-drag-out. I started pitchy, stayed pitchy, lost my focus, and nearly stopped mid-bow and walked off the stage straight into a nearby dispensary.
(Just kidding. I've never smoked weed or taken a weed gummy.) (Not that there's anything wrong with weed.) (I'm just a chicken.) (And I have a medication interaction to consider.) (Do the kids even call it "weed"?)
Anyway, I did NOT quit.
Somehow, I was able to get myself together, wrangle my bow into submission, and sweet-talk my left hand back into the correct position.
By the end, I sounded almost good. Almost.
Pep Talk #056: Don't you dare give up.
When we're in the middle of a tough moment, it's sooooooooo tempting to throw in the towel.
But when we do that, we never give ourselves the chance to prove ourselves—TO OURSELVES.
So don't you dare give up. Create the turnaround you know you're capable of.
I'm not exaggerating about how terrible the first half of my performance was. When I returned to my seat next to Prince Jack, the only person whom I allowed to attend, he offered no feedback. None. He didn't even smile at me.
I can't wait to see how much better I get by the May recital. 💪
Does your bah-yah-nur-ur ye-et way-yave?
P.S. I briefly considered uploading my Fergielicious rendition of "Let It Snow" as a bonus episode of my private podcast, but then I decided to... not. You're welcome!