Friend, I have a problem.

My to-do list has turned carnivorous.

Like, it's trying to eat me alive.

When I'm in this particular pickle, it doesn't matter what I did.

All I see are the eleventy-billion tasks I didn't.

And when I focus on the not-yet-done stuff, I feel perpetually behind, overwhelmed, and crispy 'round the edges.

But I've started a new practice that's been helpful, and I wonder if it'll help you, too.

Pep Talk #006: Throw yourself a damn parade.

When most of us finish a task, there's no celebration, fanfare, or fist bumps. We simply cross the thing off our list and move straight into the next one.

Instead, the next time you get something done, I want you to throw yourself a damn parade. Cross the thing off your list, shove back from desk, spin around in your chair, and holler, "I FREAKING DID IT." (Bonus points if your office is a coffee shop.)

By the way, nothing is too small for this level of self-congratulatory behavior. (Honestly, with what we've all been through over the last couple of years, getting out of bed and showering from time to time is worthy of at least a high-five.)

So tell me, friend: What's your parade about today?

Throwing streamers and candy,

P.S. Here's another thing that helps with carnivorous to-do lists: Stop trying to do it all yourself. If you have "write stuff" on your list, I'd love to help. Let's talk about what you're up against!

Rah Rah Sis Boom...Inbox

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