Hey there.

Today's email is arranged in three movements.

Movement 1: Gratitude
Thanks for being here. I don't take your attention for granted, and I feel stupid-lucky to be in your orbit.

Although I know many of the folks who read these pep talks, some of you are complete strangers to me. That's wonderfully weird.

Movement 2: A Big-Deal Surprise
Last week I and these pep talk emails got surprise-mentioned on StoryBrand's Marketing Made Simple podcast. (Thank you, Macy! 😭) You can listen to the episode here: Unleashing the Full Potential of Email Marketing.

Movement 3: The Best Monday Ever

Last Monday, a client shared with me that he's used to being the best writer in the room. (Can confirm: He's really good.)

Then he said this: "You're just so much f*cking better than me it's incredible. Like: I still can't believe how lucky I am to have you on our team."

Now, if you know the StoryBrand framework, you might be thinking, "Um, Kelley? With Movements 2 and 3, you've made yourself the hero of the story." And you'd be right. But only because I'm illustrating today's pep talk.

Pep Talk #020: Collect kudos.
Owning a business is the best of times and the worst of times. And imposter syndrome makes the worst of times worst-er.

Know what shrinks imposter syndrome? Evidence of just how good you are. But when you're in the middle of a hard day/week/month/year/decade, it can be tough to remember your wins.

So do this: Every single time someone says something nice to you—about you, your work, or your business—screenshot it, and put it in a folder on your desktop called "Kudos." Then, when you're having a sh* t day, open the folder and read about yourself.

Please, please do yourself this favor, . You deserve it.

And when you create your Kudos Folder, please take a screenshot of it on your desktop and send it to me. You don't even have to write anything in the email. Just send me the screenshot.

Your biggest fan,

P.S. I've actually been a guest on the Marketing Made Simple podcast a couple of times. You can alllllmost hear my voice shaking in this one: Close the Deal with a Great Email Sales Campaign.

Rah Rah Sis Boom...Inbox

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