Hey there -
If you ever hear me say, "No worries," you can be 100% sure there is, in fact, at least one worry.
My anxious personality was born in 1975, when I was a 5-year-old latch-key kid with a bad habit of losing said key. Between then and now, my anxiety has been codified by all manner of experiences I've reserved for my therapist. (Let's all take a moment to thank the universe for Stephanie.)
But I'm not all that special. Like most folks with anxiety, I worry about what might happen, what might not happen, what has already happened, and what has already not happened. Â For funsies, I also worry when I forget what I was just worrying about.

But three weeks ago, Jason Mraz said something to me that I can't quite shake...
Pep Talk #043: Be where your feet are.
I mean, technically Jason said this to the whole audience at St. Louis Music Park. But he might as well have been speaking directly and only to me. And maybe to you, too.
The thing is, worrying is just a whole lot of time travel—to a past over which we have no control and/or to a future over which we may have some influence, but also no control. And all that past- and future-tripping robs right now of any possibility of ease or joy.
So maybe today let's try just... being where our feet are.
I won't worry my life away,
P.S. Listening to Mraz is a clinically proven (in my home office) treatment for anxiety. Here's a playlist of some favorites.